I haven't stopped eating;
not even when I'm sick.
I'd been very sick since last Saturday night.
I was ALMOST bedridden on Monday.
The cough syrup + flu pills made me so drowsy that I slept like a dead log for 2 days straight.
Still, that didn't stopped me from eating!
I think I've gained a few pounds.
Maybe even a few MORE pounds!
School life's really all about studying and eating.
I munch on every single titbits, biscuits and candies I find,
my mouth never stopped chewing!
Come on,
at least I exercised!my mouth muscles that is.
The day before I was sick, I was painting my room.
It's going to be WHITE.
Mom finally decided to choose a more decent colour rather than the usual 'jupalang' colours.
My younger brother, his gf Audrey and DD were also there to help!
I was so glad that everything was done in a jiffy!
Brother even had time to do a little graffiti. Guess which word he tried to paint on the wall?
Can you spot the 'HELLO' below?
Well alright, it was not really a graffiti design...
But who cares as long we had a great time!
I named this "The Mummy Power Point".
They were saying how I wasted the musking tape trying to cover the entire power point when there obviously wasn't enough to go around.
They didn't believe when I said I would spill paint on it.
True enough the other powerpoint was all splashed with white paint.
"OKAY. YOU WIN. Let's get to work and wrap them all up for my clumsy sister..."
While we were all busy painting,
our 'supervisor' here was having a jolly good time parading up and down his bed and on the pee pad. Was he really supervising us? Where was he looking? I can't see his eyes!
He seriously needs a haircut.
Bubble's GODMAMA, where are you? ===============================================================
I was there at MOD.BEAUTY to do a quick hairdo (and remove some white paint)before heading to other places! Everything about MOD.BEAUTY is great service, friends-alike; a happy joyful little shops that makes up a big family under a roof.
They inspire to make you beautiful the moment you step into of their shop.
Your nails, your make-up, your hairdo, even if you have no idea what to wear,
they have it all there, at MOD.BEAUTY- a friendly beauty palour in the neighbourhood. ===============================================================
Mint was there at the Mettle Games!
I'm not all about Barbie Dolls and make-ups okay.
I can be extremely sporty too!
(just don't puke)
Actually i'll be anywhere where it's fun and interesting, just invite!
Was there to watch the drifting exhibit- to support Vincent from 9tro Magazine!
Check out their magazines in our islandwide convenient stores and magazine booths!
His ride is definitely a hot chick.
I hope to be able to do an exclusive interview and some close up shots of his car soon,
just so you know how HOT she is IN DETAIL!
He did some doughnuts and drifts.
I've recorded so much videos but they're taking ages to be uploaded!
If I have the time, I'll do up a short video. Hey Drifter! *scream*
Happy Birthday to Nave!
Treated him to Sakae Sushi the other day.
He went for another Japanese Buffet the next.
You can't get enough of japanese food, can you?
Next time we go eat korean!
Before that we met up at Eugene's place to test out some mics which might suit my voice.
It turns out it's my voice quality that needs to be more refined.
I'll work harder!
Nevertheless, this baby here, Violet, is awesome!
I'll save up and hope one day I can own and use it for myself!
Last Saturday felt like a reunion party at Eve Bar.
I met Chinwei, his gf and his group of friends there.
They managed to catch me that Stitch's Soft toy, how nice!
This priceless baby is now hung up high on the wall.
I'm so proud of it!
Out of the extrodinary,
Kor and Sharon, from my previous secondary school came down for a drink as well!
12 years of friendship and still counting!
STEVEN LOW KEE CHOUN, you better find a girlfriend soon!
Happy First Month, Arion!
Crystal Sister gave birth to the most beautiful little boy!
And she?
She can be crowned one of the most beautiful mother!
One of the best qualities which I admire about this young mother, is her courage and will to accept the fact that she's going to singlehandedly bring up her son. What brought tears to my eyes was the way she carries her child, then peacefully and calmly, lays her eyes on his sleeping expression;as if to tell him that she'll lay down her life to protect this little life, as if to whisper to his ears how much she love him more than herself.
A Mother's Love;
beyond any description in black and white.
Sister, you'll be the best mum and dad in the world;
Nevertheless, I would still wish you all the best to find your better half and have a never-ending blissful life ahead of you.
I love you, Sister.
And your baby!
I wanted to carry him so badly but i'm SICK.
Meibao has once again, pampered me with all my favourite Stitch snacks!
I love them so much that I intend to keep ALL the wrappers, stick them up into a huge collage and frame it up into a HUGE Poster for my house n future!
And i'll credit it to every friend and family who has contributed to my poster!
Bubble's Second Grooming Session by his beloved Godmama, Jewl Tan!
He's SOOOooOOoOooOOoooOO adorable!
I can't stop playing with him since he came back earlier that I almost forgot to do my RJ.
So handsome now! That's all Folks! Count down to World Kindness Day on Saturday!
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