I had received a surprise parcel(a big and generous one) in my mailbox a few days back. I took a closer look and realise it's from Confirm Trading.
Confirm Trading Pte Ltd is an establish company which and distribute a wide range of health and beauty products. Some of the products includes Rojukiss BB cream, Kinohimitsu J'Pan Collagen Beauty Drink, Dentiste' Toothpaste etc. I've hyperlinked their products page for you--> Click here.
WOOO... I can't wait to see what they have in mind for me! I exclaimed in excitement the moment I tore open the parcel (like a child). There's already 2 Baby Skin face masks waiting for me to lay my hands on!
Oh. My. God.
Look Look Look!
There's a Rojukiss Whitening and Anti-Aging Sample Package worth $114.60 and a Dr Jart+ Premium Blemish Base 15ml worth $25 SGD as i poured out the entire content!
Now I can be mei mei* liao.
*pretty pretty
I am so Pampered!
More of the product reviews coming up very soon as I try them out.
If you also want to be mei mei, check out more of their newest products by adding them on COMFIRM TRADING PTE LTD FACEBOOK GROUP.
Now to wear the mask.
*Mint out in 1 Sec*
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