Happy July everyone!
As much as I would really love to pen down my milestones in life, I found myself hardly coping even with that extra second. Everyday is like a fast forward...
No no no no I've no means to rant.
I meant that this is a good sign and that it's a happy problem. :)
Before I head back to my adminstrative work for the upcoming events, let me update about my Missing-In-Action and how much my pair of new earphones has helped me so much through the past few months!
So as you all know 2 years back, I formed a small team of likeminded friends and started roomiesWorld. roomiesWorld aims to help promote and create awareness for more local music talents. In other words, I've set aside everything else so that I can focus on roomies and that includes blogging...We started off with roomiesTV.
Once a week, different local musicians and the roomiesTeam would come together to do video production.
Recording Studios, Cafes and even business owners came forward to help us by lending their place as our film set, appreciation gifts and even waive off equipment/studio rental fee so that we can successfully do up some decent videos for the musicians. To date, we've done up 12 episodes of the show but this editor who has agreed to help initially decided to fly us kite and left without a word (My hard disk with all the episodes are still with him!). To clarify, all of us are doing this project for FREE. On top of that, I was willing to pay this editor a small token of a 4-digit sum for every 4 episodes made, out of my own pocket as a form of appreciation. Then again… sigh.
To friends who have been burning your weekends to help me in every way you can, thank you so so much - Fif, Wee Gor, Colin, Collin, Jade, Jaime, Gim, Yongwei, Nave and all musicians!
Anyway, all the filmed episodes are still raw. If there is any kind soul who would like to help with the editing, drop me an email at roomiesWorld@gmail.com. My team and musicians really look forward to releasing these episodes!
Fortunately this little setback didn't defeat us. The team went ahead and launched our roomiesCD compilation album on 29 Jan 2015 titled In Our Voices, featuring 10 bilingual original tracks by 5 different local acts.
Since the launch, roomiesWorld has been actively participating in events one after another.
So pardon me if I haven't been doing regular updates as compared to last time!
Doing events and promoting roomiesCD!
'Events' refers to Rehearsals, Teaching, Doing Shows, Going for radio Features, Events Managing and liaising, Adminstrative work, my emcee-cum-singing assignments… Crazy Schedules!
I'm naming some of the events I'm involved as I'm really so thankful for the opportunities:
Currently hosting for the Facade Painting Workshop held by PAssionarts in Bukit Panjang.
HPB's iQuit Roadshow held back in March 2015:
Regular gig at Rocku Yakiniku.
Photo credit: Miss Diana Wee
A rare opportunity to perform on RWS theatre for My Xinyao Encore Show on 24 May with friends and Xinyao Seniors:
One behind the scene shot with the girls!
By the way, the Turquoise Dress I'm wearing was from Dolce2Dolce.
They have a wide range of prom dresses and gowns to rent/buy online, efficient service!
Assembly talks at different schools with the Xinyao Seniors to share about the evolution of music in Singapore:
A totally random Taipei trip with best friend in April to go on one of their local talk show,
WTO Sister Show!
WTO Sister Show is a variety talk show on Taiwan's GTV Station featuring foreign talents discussing about controversial topics relating to culture differences, health, beauty, marriage, languages and more.
Click HERE to watch the full episode of WTO Sisters' Show.
Last but not least, roomies and more roomies shows and features!
Singapore's roomiesTV LIVE @ Changi Simei
held on every last Friday of the month, 7.30PM - 9PM at Changi Simei Community Centre:
roomiesCD Musicians featured on radio stations 883jiaFm, Yes933, Capital958 and more!
Tiring but I'm really enjoying every moment of my life!
My FREE TIME also has a whole new meaning now.
'Free time' means that I have to think about business development and more importantly, to listen and to learn new songs, to get every note right and to know what are the latest hits playing on the radio.
You see, where else would I find the time to grow my song repertoire, to learn and do some self-improvement?

You'll see me walking around almost everywhere with earphones.
I'm either learning a new song, familiarising myself with songs I need to perform, looking out for local talents on social media platforms or on the phone discussing work with clients.
The audio clarity of the Sudio TVA is so crispy clear that I'm using it for some of my simpler recordings and as in-ear monitors during rehearsals! I even noticed how this baby can layer out the different layers of music and tones. It made my life a lot easier when learning the harmonies and sing-alongs especially for the Xinyao concert. Most of the Xinyao songs are produced in the 80s and are quite muffled together.
I'm really amazed by how such a subtle accessory can made such a vast difference in my daily life - my new Sudio Earphones from Sweden.
Light weighted, easy to keep in my bag with its leather pouch, tangle-free and the audio is so awesome despite its petite size.
Light weighted, easy to keep in my bag with its leather pouch, tangle-free and the audio is so awesome despite its petite size.
The first surprise I got was when I was learning the song 'Bang Bang' and I could distinctively hear the door slam by Jessie J and the gossips of the dancers in the video background. At first I thought I was hearing things but after listening to MV again, DOPE.
Get your pair of Sudio Headphones TVA or KLANG online and hear it for yourself to believe.
It's only S$55 plus FREE Shipping to Singapore.
Get your pair of Sudio Headphones TVA or KLANG online and hear it for yourself to believe.
It's only S$55 plus FREE Shipping to Singapore.
Trying out the earphones with Fiance TheMinuteManSG on the SMULE app for awhile and we enjoyed it so much:
I've got yet another surprise when my friend was complaining about his lousy phone which produced very soft music on his headphones and phone speakers even though the volume was maxed out. We tried it on my Sudio and the loudest which he had previously gotten to is now only about three-quarter through mine! Amazing isn't it.
I've got yet another surprise when my friend was complaining about his lousy phone which produced very soft music on his headphones and phone speakers even though the volume was maxed out. We tried it on my Sudio and the loudest which he had previously gotten to is now only about three-quarter through mine! Amazing isn't it.
White and gold earphones matches all my clothes no matter what I wear.
They also come in black, brown and orange to fit your style!
I'm glad I can carry Sudio out and that totally saved up my bag space, yay!
Look forward to hear your Sudio experience and photos.
Meanwhile get to know Sudio better:
Visit http://www.sudiosweden.com/sg/store to order your Sudio Earphones now.
Till my next update, back to work!