On July 2, 2007,
HarperElement (a UK division of Harper Collins)
published "Not Without My Sister"
by sisters Juliana Buhring, Celeste Jones and Kristina Jones.
The book is about the sisters' lives in The Children Of God.
(The Children Of God is an evangelical breakaway group that started in the late 60's)
They have been endeavoured to give an accurate account of their lives then.
Through writing the book, they saw clearly the full implications of the power that one human can hold over another - that one man - David Berg, held over the lives of thousands. The power of a narcissistic leader, that both created their family and destroyed it. David Berg believed that he could mould the children of his followers into a form of his own choosing and often boasted that the second generation would turn out to be the "proof of the pudding."
I see clearly what they saw.
The controversy,
the struggle,
the agony,
the inflicts of pain that clinged onto these innocent children
when being forced to perform sex for adults as well as themselves...
I feel so helpless for these poor children,
and disgusted by the pervertic acts of a man to satisfy his own sex cravings.
Follow the leader,
but never follow blindly.
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