
Thursday, December 24, 2015

N.E.Mation! 10: Together We Keep Singapore Strong Part 2/2 (Team ZLS)


[MinuteManSG: "It's celebration time!!!"]

3 weeks of production for the Top 10 finalists of NE10 has finally come to an end, Colin and I would like to seize this opportunity to reflect on what we've observed and learnt from our teams revolving around this year's N.E.mation theme:  Together We Keep Singapore Strong.

Stepping into SG50, many vivid incidents happened:
The passing of our founding father, Free public transport, the SG50 celebrations and SG50 events!

[MinuteManSG: "And my birthday!"]

As the theme goes, this is the start of the next 50 years, it is a good time to reflect on and reaffirm the strength, values and beliefs that have brought Singapore this far and, more importantly, the values that reside within each and every Singaporean to take Singapore forward. Together, we will continue to play our part to keep Singapore strong.

[MinuteManSG: "And this is how we think Team ZLS has helped, in their own special way, to keep Singapore strong."]

We wrote one about Cedar3 too, read about it HERE.


1. Their participation in N.E.mation! 10.

Getting holidays burnt so that they can conveying the message of coming together to fight crisis through their animation clip via national TV. In the Nutshell, their clip is about Soccer Team Singapore VS Soccer Team Crisis. Stay tuned to the release of their final clip in January and vote for them to win! Let's hope they score with their animation!


2. Behind the Scenes

[MinuteManSG: "ZLS had to master the skill of adaptation when faced with manpower problems. When they first got into the finals of N.E.mation! 10, they had a lack of expert drawing skills in their team. But using their quick wits, they recruited their master drawer, Shofia, to join them in the finals."]

And during the first week of production, ZLS was basically a 3 man team, because Lutfi was overseas and would only be back at the beginning of week 2. But despite the shortage of manpower team ZLS persevered on with whatever they could do during the first week, and when Lutfi rejoined them on week 2, things started to get a little smoother.


Despite always racing against the clock, Team ZLS was always encouraging each other and helping one another whenever possible. Even Tiger Balm patches came to the rescue for Shao Jun who injured his shoulder. Singapore Boleh!


Being one of the quieter teams in N.E.mation! 10, it took a while for Team ZLS to open up and get to know some of the other teams. But eventually they overcame this barrier and began to foster new friendships with new friends from other teams!

Being able overcome obstacles like these and learning how to network are some important strengths that contribute to Singapore's future in terms of Total Defence.

[MinuteManSG: "Singapore may be an island, but we cannot survive on our own."]

Thank you N.E.mation! for 10 years of sharing. It has indeed came a long way in terms of spreading the word and awareness about Total Defence through the creativity and imagination of our homegrown students.

And what better way to bring all these like-minded people closer together that to have an awesome wrap party to celebrate the end of the grueling 3 weeks of production as well as N.E.mation!'s 10th birthday!

[MinuteManSG: "Check out the confetti showers!"]

At the wrap party, many previous alumni from the past seasons of N.E.mation! came down to celebrate this special occasion with us. One of the Top 10 students from N.e.mation! 1 came back to say hi! Meet Jian Liang! He is in university now.

It's so heartwarming to know that N.E.mation! has given the participants such a wonderful experience that they still remember it and are willing to come back to celebrate even after so many years!

Meet Jian Liang from the very first N.E.mation! campaign, who's currently studying University (graduating soon!)

I also managed to meet up with the students from my previous teams from N.E.mation! 8!
Say hello to my angels from UNIcorns & rainbows;) & Sze Yong from SYNCH.

The girls have just completed their O levels while Sze Yong is currently studying in Singapore Polytechnic.


Come, let's take a look at our group photos 2 years ago~



So this marks the end of the 3 weeks of production, and we will be looking forward to the winner of this N.E.mation! 10, who will be walking away with a fully sponsored overseas trip to visit a renowned animation studio in the USA!

Good luck all Top 10 teams!

Please vote for OUR teams in Jan-Feb 2016~
For more latest updates, visit

[MinuteManSG: "And Happy Birthday, N.E.mation!"]

It's a wrap!

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