There was a call for auditions to join a reality Singing Contest in May 2012. I blogged about it then: and plucked up all my courage to join the audition, alone...
Turned out I have company!
The first person I bumped into was Tomato Lee, who was queuing right BEHIND me! She's the female lead of my Echoing Love short film, a project initiated by Edmund Chen Zhi Cai.
Thanks SIS for tying my hair for me.
Then I met Kelly Lim, my Primary School friend.
There's dear Darling Joyce who blogs for MyFatPocket.
HP from was also there to cover for the event.
Stella was working that day, helping out the Sunsilk Academy Hosts.
My Poly classmate, Cindy Goh!
I looked super PHAT in this top.
*Discard top*
I think it's just me.
I gained a freaking 6kg since I came back from Taiwan last June.
However I'm working on slimming down right now, trust me.
Hpility made a video showcasing some of contestants who came for the audition and he recorded mine too. Thank you Bro, at least I know where to improve:
I made it through the 1st round but got eliminated in the next.
The fact that I didn't perform on my 2nd audition still lingers deep within my soul.
I carry that disappointment till this day but of course I'm not going to sit down and sulk about it. The genuine feedbacks which the judges have unselfishly given me made me worked even harder and strive to improve my singing techniques.
Fei Hui Lao Shi, I won't let you down.
About Academy Fantasia-- Reality Singing Contest
Academy Fantasia is a popular and internationally singing contest + reality show first conceptualized in Mexico in year 2000. The finalists will be housed in a specially built academy monitored by close-circuit cameras and undergo 10 weeks of intensive training which include singing, dancing and acting lessons by well-known personalities.
Similarly, 14 finalists of Sunsilk Academy Fantasia in Singapore will be housed, trained and will pit against one another during weekly concerts held at Dragonfly Bar, St.James Power Station where contestants with the lowest votes will be eliminated.
We've got our final 14.
So there I was, finally available on one Saturday and attended Week 5's contest at Dragonfly. It was down to the final 8. The theme was DUETS.
*Warming up my lightstick*
People mountain people sea inside and almost couldn't make through to the front record videos for you all.
Judges from left to right: 黎沸挥老师,许环良老师 and 李志清老师 (Malaysia).
The first couple: Vee and Zhang Chi.
Zhang Chi is now in the FINAL 3.
My 2nd and favourite duet of the day: Irwin and ET.
Irwin is in the FINAL 3 too!
Coming up, we have Hui Xian & Jun Yang.
Hui Xian has the best vocals of all.
She is, of course, in the FINAL 3!
Chloe and Guangli is the last couple.
For those who've been watching the reality show on Starhub Ch110, you'll know that Guangli is secretly admiring Chloe.
The GRAND FINALE is happening this Sunday at Dragonfly.
The final 3 who are competing for the crown would be:
Hui Xian
Zhang Chi
Who's going to immerse as the Grand Winner and will be contracted under Ocean Butterflies?
Stay tune to THIS SPACE.