If you think The Singapore Discovery Centre is boring,
think again.
How would you be able to know ALOT about Singapore in 45min?
Go to the Singapore Discovery Centre!
$10 admission ticket:
Entry to the exhibits + Lucky Draw + Iwerks movie 3D + Paintball + Bus Tour to Safti.
Discounts for Safra card members too.
DD and My tickets only cost $17.
$13 admission includes everything above + latest movies like Avatar etc,
more worth than going to GV.
Plus it's free seating.
Grab a good seat by going in early!

Singlish is FUN!
AN overview of the SDC from the 2nd level.

Congrats! I've got a reclaimed land!
365, the shiok, the ulu and the Obiang!

This exhibit section is divided into NOrth, South, East and the West.

The New gadget in SDC.
GO and Play it- 4players by the way.
I played it with 3 little GIRLS speaking Malay that I dun understand.
But i managed to get them to speak English in the end.

THis LIttle George is clever.
TOo smart to be true.
He can answer to ANYTHING I ASK HIM.
and i even thought about bringing him home to keep as a pet.
Later did I know,
there's actually a Man behind THAT BLOODY ONE SIDED MIRROR behind this robot.
He's the one answering to all my questions.
I was so disappointed after that.

We had a lucky draw.
I got a notebook and DD got a handphone strap.

Getting tired of Movies, shopping and Singapore?
Don't be.
GO to the Singapore Discovery Centre.
You can even go on guided Tours FOC!
The SDC closes at 6pm and Mondays.
Check this place out! :)